The exhibition “Cyberlove” of Robert Gabris consists of a series of same-titled drawings and a video installation titled “Please, like me!”
“Cyberlove” exhibition deals with social networks and their usage possibilities in contemporary society. In contrast to heterosexual dating apps, which are generally perceived as platforms offering a wide range of dating possibilities, from serious partnership to sex dating, gay mobile applications are often stereotyped by the majority society as only used for sex dating. In his work, Robert Gabris reveals the racism that appears in sex-dating sites in our society. He is doing so through the perspective of the gay community, as well as his personal experience; as a gay author, he mediates this crucial topic among all gender orientations.
The “Cyberlove” drawings series by Robert Gabris reacts sarcastically, critically, but also with humor to gay mobile applications oriented to a sex dating. His elegant and sophisticated drawing method is a reminiscence of the work of a famous artist Toyen. The provocative theme of Gabris is drawn with subtlety and sensitivity that softens its roughness. This contradiction between the context and its subtle execution enables the viewer’s accessibility to the discussed issues. The drawings themselves are accompanied by pencil-inscribed texts from sex-chats that ironically reflect the sexual racism. Naturally, Robert Gabris, who is at the same time a homosexual and belongs to a Roma minority would be very receptive to every xenophobic expression. The motif of hatred towards others often appears in Gabris’s work. Through his drawing, he playfully, but very perceptively, engages in topics such as homophobia and antiziganism.
The installation “Please, like me!” playfully and humorously works with the ‘selfishness’ phenomena and the stereotypes that persist in majority communities with regard to the gay community. The author plays with the word “teplý” (literally ‘warm’) “teplouš” which is considered abusive to homosexuals. He uses a pink color that is commonly presented as a sign of femininity and is therefore often linked to a sexual minority.

Robert Gabris (* 1986, Hnúšťa, SK)
He attended the Secondary School of Arts in Trenčín, where he studied drawing and graphic design. In 2009 he obtained a bachelor’s degree in Scenography from the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava. In 2013 he earned a master’s degree in Scenography from the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna. In his work, he specializes in conceptual drawing and looks for new applications for the traditional etching technique. Robert’s work is often autobiographical, dealing with the archiving of his own memories. He pays special attention to political issues, with a particular focus on minority issues and portrayals of people. Over the past three years, he has exhibited his works in Europe, America, and Asia. He participated in several international art residency programs, taught in his field and led numerous workshops. He lives and works in Vienna.
Curator: Tamara Moyzes
The exhibition is suitable for audiences of 18+ years of age.
The exhibition was made in cooperation with and is part of Prague Pride.